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Results: 14 446614

SubFloor vent package, wall fan 40 mm

  • Wall fan, mounted outside
  • Fan, floor device, air distribution belt, plastic parts etc.
  • Outer dimensions of plastic parts 45 mm (minimum building height OEK rule)
  • Up to approx. 50 sqm
Read more 446615

SubFloor vent package, wall fan 50 mm

  • Wall fan, mounted outside
  • Fan, floor device, air distribution belt, plastic parts etc.
  • Outer dimensions of plastic parts 53 mm (minimum building height OEK rule)
  • Up to approx. 50 sqm
Read more 446624

SubFloor vent package 40 mm

  • Indoor mounted fan
  • Fan, floor device, air distribution belt, plastic parts etc.
  • Outer dimensions of plastic parts 45 mm (minimum building height OEK rule)
  • Up to approx. 50 sqm
Read more 446625

SubFloor vent package 50 mm

  • Indoor mounted fan
  • Fan, floor device, air distribution belt, plastic parts etc.
  • Outer dimensions of plastic parts 53 mm (minimum building height OEK rule)
  • Up to approx. 50 sqm
Read more 449102

Flooring GD5

The task of the floor unit is to supply indoor air to the air gap of the floor.
W: 294mm, H: 91 mm, D: 36 mm

Read more 414433

Alam fan guard

Read more 449120

Air distribution belt

Read more 449122

Exp. Sealing fibre 5 m roll

Read more 449129

Sealing tape Butyl/Alu 2m b=100mm

Read more 449135

Sealing tape Butyl/Alu 10m b=50mm

Read more 449130

Sealing tape Butyl/Alu 10m b=100mm

Read more 416610

Fan package FFV-EC Wall fan

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Fan package 200 EC

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Other ventilation details

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